First and foremost I want to give thanks to The Most Holy for placing in me the inspiration to create such a brand. This journey has been a tedious uphill battle but with The Most Holy guiding and leading the way I have arrived.
I wish to thank the many local talents here in Jacksonville and Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Your contributions of your precious time and your dedication to assist with my many photo shoots is not without acknowledgment! Melody Loll, Erica Martinez, Jasmine Gatling, Frank, Jake and Michelle Schurott, Curtis Maxwell, Fallyn Carline, Lindsey Dunbar, Cole Volpe, Breanan Meyerink, Abi Riley, Bonnie Mukandwa, David Biedneharn, David Martin, Jeff Gates, June K.R. Lundy and Wesley Croft; thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Special thanks and credit to Nicholas Qunitauna- photographer of the sunglass photo shoots on our local Jacksonville Beach.
Special thanks and credit to Carli McGowan-photographer of local models: Lisa Taylor, Tim Groman and Caroline May.
A special thanks to Sarah Kogut. You jumped in with both feet running and you are always willing to assist in any way needed. Thank you!
I would be remiss if I did not give thanks and gratitude to my family who has supported me throughout this endeavor. Your love, patience and encouragement has truly kept me going without you all this would be all for naught.